Home > Derby Street Index > Church Street

Church Street

This page shows businesses on Church Street. Click on a business to bring up its details and a map showing its location.


A M S Chimney Sweep

Chimney Sweeps

Address: 102 Church Street, Derby, Derbyshire, DE23 6QT

Reviews of Establishments on Church Street

Find out what people are saying about places on Church Street.

Take it or leave it......i'll leave it thanks - review of The Coach & Horses by Richard hunter

Jim and Margaret were previously the licensees of the White Hart at Bargate, Belper. They made a real effort to engage customers and provide a good friendly service. Unfortunately things didn't work out... More »

Are you looking for another Church Street?

There are several other places also called Church Street around Derby and its surrounding area. Here is a list of them:

Church Street, Alvaston
Church Street, Derby
Church Street, Horsley
Church Street, Littleover
Church Street, Lockington
Church Street, Melbourne
Church Street, Ockbrook
Church Street, Spondon


Map showing Church Street in Derby.
