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"Wise wayne"

A review of Anthony Wayne by Shirley Salter written on Wednesday 12th of June 2019


Wayne is very direct and to the point but not rude. You know where you are with him and his readings are extremely accurate and clear. I have seen him many times over the years and would highly recommend him..

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  • MR Rude by Anonymous
    How rude and arrogant, my friend booked in she text him if he could fit me in as well, text back O...
  • I've been for 2 readings with wayne at his house and been to many of his events he holds in mic...
  • Have seen wayne about 5 times over the years and always thought he was very accurate.think he possib...
  • This man have heard so much good about him until I actually spoke to him found him RUDE and arrogant...
  • Wow 😲 by Michele Rodgerson
    You are amazing 😂 Absolutely wonderful 100% would want to see you again 😊 I would rec...

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Anthony Wayne

Map showing Anthony Wayne on Hospital Lane