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A review of Royal Mail by Lindley written on Tuesday 16th of September 2014


We live in the DE23 1PR area of Derby and we used to get our mail between 12pm & 13pm, occassionally 11am, now I gather they they have changed the rounds, and it has been getting later and later, it came at 15-45pm yesterday. THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE.We often need to pay cheques into the bank urgently and they are shut before we can get there, so we have to wait until the next day or monday if it is the weekend. WHAT HAS HAPPEN TO THE EARLY MORNING DELIVERIES. Also my husband received a letter from our solicitor last week and it had obvioyusly been slit open, it is just as well there was not a cheque inside. The service is getting worse by the minute..

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Royal Mail

Map showing Royal Mail on Midland Road
