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"Fantastic service!"

A review of Nu-Blades by Simon Ludlow written on Friday 29th of June 2012


I broke my father in law's petrol driven strimmer - twice - through stupidity. Went there the first time to buy a new part and when I tunred up two hours later to buy the same part again, the banter started! It was a good laugh for all when they explained my mistake; and they didn't want paying the second time - but I insisted and they begrudgingly accepted the cash.

All I have to say is that wha a pleasure it was to find in this day and age a team of dedicated craftsmen at work whose main aim is to provide a service. Their workshop is an absolute gem with tools and parts spread along the walls. Also, we enquired about buying a new mower and the advice was to buy the type and brand that would best suit our needs and not the machine which would generate the most profit, Try getting that sort of service from B and Q!.

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Map showing Nu-Blades on Abbey Street
