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"The Place to be"

A review of The Kings Highway by Chris written on Monday 31st of March 2008


I have been going in the Kings Highway in Derby (On Kingsway, Rowditch) for some time nopw and find it hard to be beaten in Derby! The food is great, the service is excellent and the facilities are great, especially for the punters with kids as it has one of the only outdoor play areas in the area. The team at the Kings Highway are great too. They are all really friendly and cant do enough for you. They always have things on for thier customers and it is always a friendly and fun place to be. If you have not been yet, you need to get yourself down there. If you have been before, then you know what i am talking about. It is truly an all round fantastic pub. If you are only passing through, there is a hotel (Travel lodge, i think) situated in the grounds of the pub, so it is ideal for travelling punters to stay and then have some evening entertainment and refreshments. I was really exceited to read that they are starting thier Quiz on a Sunday evening too.

- The Place to be, by far!!.

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The Kings Highway

Map showing The Kings Highway on Kingsway
